Sources Food Hub

Handbook from Sources Food Hub helps New Food Rescue Programs
Drawing on its first year of operation, Sources Food Hub is releasing a handbook to help new food rescue programs navigate the early stages of development.
The Food Waste Redistribution Handbook refines the research and experience of the Sources Food Hub to help fellow non-profits along their way, whether like SOURCES they are building on an existing Food Bank or developing an all-new food rescue focused organization.
The handbook describes how diverse food rescue programs can be, as they target slightly different food businesses along the distribution chain. It provides tips and best practices—such as for safe food handling—and offers multiple options for consideration. Rather than “how to” directions, the handbook emphasizes guiding questions for navigating the unique needs of each program.
For example, the consumer-scale packaged food from retailers may fit well with the needs of food banks, while bulk foods from processors or large farms might be better suited for community dinners. Catering or deli surplus makes a great meal to-go for all kinds of service programs. Each program may also have unique considerations for food transportation and storage.
The handbook features sections on food safety and storage, considerations for infrastructure, legislation, and helpful MOU templates. If an agency is thinking of redistributing the food they rescue to partners, serving it to their own clients, or developing other innovative solutions to the global problem of food waste, program planners will benefit from critical questions in the handbook that help provide guidance with their needs and opportunities.
The handbook can be downloaded here: Download Handbook