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Change a life with Sources Home Share

Do you have experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities and enjoy connecting individuals with community supports? If you answered ‘YES’ then we might have the perfect opportunity for you!

SOURCES is currently seeking Home Share Providers for two individuals, each with unique personalities and preferences.

Learn more about each individual below:

Individual A is a a very social and kind-hearted 48-year-old woman with a mild developmental disability. Her hobbies include competitive bowling, swimming, volunteering and chatting with friends on her cellphone. She is looking for a family who will spend quality time with her and treat her as a member of the family. She has many talents and gifts, but what stands out is how helpful, generous and hospitable she is to everyone around her. Some areas she requires help in are maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and budgeting.

The ideal Home Share arrangement:

  • A bedroom within the main part of the home
  • Located in the Cloverdale/Langley area

Individual B is an intelligent and gifted 23-year-old man with a mild intellectual disability. His hobbies include drawing, making music (both electronic and with instruments), skateboarding, playing video games and travelling, to name a few. He aspires to one day work in the music or film industry. He is also very interested in being outdoors, doing activities such as foraging, gardening and overall living sustainably. Although appearing independent, he requires assistance in several areas including socialization with the home share family/community and help with exploring his interests in order to meet his goals. He also requires support with understanding important documentation, making it to appointments on time, assistance at appointments, help maintaining his personal space and gentle reminders to maintain personal hygiene.

The ideal Home Share arrangement:

  • A  private basement suite with lots of light for plants
  • A home surrounded by nature and a Home Share Provider who could explore those interests with him
  • Located in Surrey/Delta/Lower Mainland

Applicants should send a resume and cover letter via the contact information below, that outlines their living situation, the space they have available, the community they live in and their experience in the field.

Additional requirements include:

  • Experience supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and mental health issues
  • Knowledge of helping individuals connect with social and community opportunities is an asset
  • Adult Emergency First Aid and CPR
  • Clear criminal record check
  • Valid BC driver’s license and recent drivers abstract
Email: Fax:  604-946-8429 (Attn: Home Share Coordinator)

If you know somebody who may be interested in and qualified to provide Home Share support, please let them know about this opportunity. Thank you!

The Sources Home Share Program provides a residential option to adults with developmental disabilities who are looking for a more natural care environment within the community.  Individuals share a home with matched, qualified and screened caregivers who provide ongoing support in all aspects of the individual’s life. SOURCES monitors the home to ensure quality care is being provided and individual needs are being met in order to enhance growth in skill development and independence.