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Our Services

The  Key Worker program provides in-home parent support to families who have a child with FASD or suspect a child has FASD or another complex developmental or behavioural condition.

The program staff work directly with caregivers in the home to provide support and build skills as well as providing information on FASD and FASD prevention within the home and the community. Services are provided throughout the North Peace (Fort St. John and Fort Nelson).

Download Program Brochure

Download Referral Package

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    1) Who is the Key worker Program For?

    The Key Worker program is for families with children aged 0-18 who have a diagnosis or suspected of having Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) or other complex developmental or behaviour conditions.


    2) Where are the Services Available?

    The Key Worker program is available to families throughout the North Peace. We serve families in Fort St. John and Fort Nelson as well as some of the surrounding small communities. To find out if this program serves your community, please contact our Prince George office.


    3) What does the program provide?

    The Key Worker program has several family and community-based services. Family-based services are provided within the family’s home and community. Services range from sharing information on FASD through to direct home support. During home support, a key worker will work with families in their home to connect them to needed resources, support them through the diagnostic process and work with caregivers to build caregiver skills to reduce challenges in the home.

    Community-based service includes education and information on FASD and the prevention of FASD. The key worker works with other organizations and community partners to increase awareness within the communities served. This can include anything from holding parent support groups through to attending community health fairs, to presenting information at conferences, gatherings, or to groups.


    4) How Much Does the Program Cost?

    The Key Worker program is free to families. This program is funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.


    5) How Do I Refer to the Program?

    Referrals for the Key Worker program can be made by any source. Self-referrals are accepted. The referral form and any other required documentation can be sent directly to the Prince George office, care of the Program Manager.



    Download Program Brochure

Contact Information

Tel: 250-561-1194Fax: 250-561-1195
101-575 Brunswick Street
Prince George
Direction: View Map

Note: There is no public office location.

Hours of Operation

Note: Service hours are dependent on client needs.