Category Events

Homelessness Awareness March 2017
From October 8 to 14, 2017, communities across Metro Vancouver are recognizing Homelessness Action Week. To raise public awareness and rally local solutions for the widespread issue of homelessness, Sources Advocacy Programs is organizing the 12th Annual Homelessness Awareness March. The March will take place at Sources Newton Resource Centre…
Annual General Meeting
Please join us for Sources Community Resources Society's Annual General Meeting on September 26, 2017. This year, in keeping with our "neighbourhoods" theme, we will have the pleasure of presenting the following conversation with champion speaker Zahra Esmail: Overseas and Back; Transferring Lessons from Abroad to Local Neighbourhood BuildingZahra…
Celebrating Selfless Service: Volunteer Appreciation BBQ 2017
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give, ” Winston Churchill once said. The latter part accurately describes the dedication and care that SOURCES Volunteers put into their service. To honour the contributions of our volunteers, SOURCES held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Barbeque at Campbell Valley Regional Park on August 17, 2017. With roughly 100 Volunteers and Volunteer Supporters in attendance, the event celebrated charity, selflessness and service.